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Longevity of Veneers

Close up 3D rendering of a thin porcelain veneer being applied to a toothVeneers are a one-of-a-kind cosmetic dental treatment that has helped hundreds and thousands of individuals worldwide restore their smiles. They come in various materials, like composite resin or thin porcelain. Veneers can help individuals conceal imperfections like chips, cracks, or discoloration and maintain the appearance of healthy teeth. However, they can be a considerable investment prompting patients to wonder about their lifespan.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

The answer to how long veneers last can be complex since the answer to this depends on several factors, including:


The material you choose for your veneers plays a significant role in determining how long they will last. Porcelain veneers are known to last 10 to 15 years, whereas resin veneers tend to have a shorter lifespan of around five to eight years. If you are looking for highly durable veneers, it is always best to go with porcelain veneers since they are known to endure over 20 years with proper care and maintenance. However, apart from the material, several other factors also impact the lifespan of your veneers.

Care and Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance are the secrets to making your veneers last as long as possible. Dr. Gary S. Cooke and Dr. Cooke at Gresham Dental Excellence recommend all patients floss and brush their veneers regularly. Doing so helps prevent food and decay buildup and helps maintain the veneer's pearly white color.

Moreover, they advise patients to avoid consuming foods or beverages known to stain teeth. It is also critical to avoid using your teeth to open cans and wear mouth guards when participating in any sports activity that may put your veneers at risk of damage.

Oral Habits

Your oral habits play a significant role in either shortening or lengthening the lifespan of your dental veneers. If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, chewing on hard items like ice, or biting the tips of your nails, your veneers will likely have a limited lifespan. Moreover, lacking the habit of practicing dental hygiene contributes to the shortened lifespan of veneers since poor oral hygiene puts veneers at risk of decaying edges.

Tips on Lengthening the Longevity of Veneers

The following tips can help you increase the lifespan of your veneers and ensure your investment lasts as long as possible:
•  Avoid consuming large amounts of beverages like red wine and coffee that are known to stain teeth.
•  Quit smoking and avoid the use of tobacco products.
•  Always listen to your dentist's instructions and attend regular dental appointments and cleanings.
•  Invest in a nightguard if you have the habit of grinding or clenching your teeth during sleep.
•  Use non-abrasive solutions to clean your teeth and avoid exerting excessive force on your teeth during brushing.
•  Avoid consuming hard or crunchy foods like toffee, nuts, or popcorn; instead, stick to eating softer foods

The longevity of veneers depends on several factors: material, oral habits, and maintenance and care. Proper care and following the tips discussed above can help make your veneers last long. If you have any further questions about the longevity of veneers, give us a call at (971) 431-7292.

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