Fluoride TreatmentPreventative dental care is an important part of protecting your child's baby teeth and preventing premature tooth loss. The primary means of preventing tooth decay in your child is through teaching good oral hygiene and taking them to trained dental professionals, such as our team at Gresham Dental Excellence for regular professional cleanings. During these cleanings, our team may recommend supplemental preventative treatments such as the application of a fluoride treatment, sometimes called a fluoride varnish. Fluoride treatment is applied after the cleaning and flossing is complete. It is brushed onto all sides of your child's teeth. In order to allow the fluoride treatment to take effect, your child should avoid eating and drinking for at least 30 minutes after the treatment is applied to their teeth. What Are the Benefits of Fluoride Treatment?Fluoride is a mineral that plays a role in strengthening and protecting enamel. Fluoride treatments involve placing a concentrated amount of this substance on your child's teeth. Fluoride decreases your child's risk of developing tooth decay and works best when used in conjunction with good brushing and flossing habits. Fluoride treatments can also slow the spread of existing decay and keep it from getting worse. It is important to keep in mind that fluoride alone will not eliminate the possibility of developing decay. Your child's teeth should be brushed twice per day for two minutes per session and flossed once per day. When fluoride is used to supplement this type of quality home care, your child's teeth will remain healthy and strong. How Often Are Fluoride Treatments Given?The frequency of fluoride treatments will vary based on your child's specific needs and current oral health. These treatments can effectively be given up to four times per year but are typically only applied during regular dental visits. Our team recommends that your child see our team every six months and may recommend a fluoride treatment during one or both of these bi-annual visits. More frequent application of fluoride varnish is typically reserved for patients that have an increased risk of tooth decay or who have previously suffered from tooth decay in the past. Should I Give My Child Fluoride Toothpaste?Depending on the age and maturity level of your child, our professionals may recommend switching your child to fluoride toothpaste. Children under the age of five can safely use fluoride-free toothpaste. However, if your child is over the age of two and has learned how to spit out excess toothpaste, fluoride toothpaste can safely be used. While the occasional ingestion of minimal amounts of fluoride will not harm your child, fluoride toothpaste should not be used if your child is still prone to swallowing the majority of the paste. Fluoride is an important mineral that offers several benefits to your child. When used correctly, it will strengthen your child's enamel and can aid in the prevention of costly tooth decay. If you would like to learn more about the many benefits of fluoride treatments and find out if they are right for your child, then it is time to see our team at Gresham Dental Excellence. You can schedule an appointment by calling our office at today. |